Ihittaqueh Tlazohtlacaca Moyocoyanitin
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 [RP] The King

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Male Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2009-01-16

Character information
Profession: Stonemason
Level: 3 - Army way

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptyMon 30 Mar - 20:38

Xuchimatzatzin turns around and faces Zilonen.

I need you to go and find 6 slaves. Strong, young slaves, 3 men, 3 women. Bring them here, they will serve as gift too chalco. Return here when the sun is highest with the slaves, make sure they are ready for the journey.

Still stroking the jaguar mark on his chest he starts gathering the rest of the gifts.
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Female Number of posts : 16
Location : Kansas
Registration date : 2009-02-02

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptyTue 31 Mar - 20:49

An hour before the sun rose to its highest in the sky, Coza's eyes opened. She stared quietly at the wall for some minutes. Her dreaming time had been spent peacefully wandering through clouds while she picked singing mushrooms. There had been no visions. As she rose and rummaged through her pack for clean clothes, she wondered if the visions were gone forever.

She wandered down to the river and soaked many days and miles of traveler's dirt from her skin. Fish and frogs, birds and rabbits stopped in their daily habits to watch her, but she paid them no attention. Their voices crowded in her head, but she brushed them aside.

No, she said combing her hair and averting her eyes from the gathered creatures. I have to do human things now. I have a job to do for the King. He needs me to pretend to be ordinary for awhile. I can't talk to you.

She gathered a few items from the riverbank and made her way back to the hut where she'd slept. Packing up was done quickly; she hadn't brought much with her. She jammed her new treasures into a pouch at her waist, slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way to the Grand Hall.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the change of light, but they immediately went to the King, again hovering over a map and barking orders at the Ihittaqueh surrounding him. She scanned the room and saw Zilonen and Wandress nearby. Coza smiled and waved at them.

I slept! she said. Can we go now? She tilted her head to the side for a moment, listening, then brightened. If we hurry, the storm that's coming won't catch us until the middle of the night.
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Male Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2009-01-16

Character information
Profession: Stonemason
Level: 3 - Army way

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptyFri 3 Apr - 22:07

Xuchimatzatzin smiles at the sound of Cozamalotl's voice. Somehow she always manages to cheer him up. But now it is time for her to leave. He shall urge her to travel fast, and Wandress too. They are both of invaluable importance. But the task ahead is important. Wandress has arranged for the provisions, the gifts are prepared. It is time to send them on their way.

Yes, you must go. I urge you to travel fast so you will be back here soon. I have prepared gifts for their Chief. Take this shield, richly decorated, made by the best artisans, with the emblem of the mighty jaguar as a symbol of how we would shield them from harm. Take these strong young slaves, three men, three women as a symbol of our willingness to work together and to share our resources. And take this rough, broken wooden sword as a symbol of how we prefer peace with them over war.

Offer them our help, our friendship and our sword and shield in battle. Make them see that together we stand stronger; both our tribes will flourish. And in return, request that they join us in our struggle. Request that they sign the proclamation and name me king.

Convince them to work together with us to make the Aztec people great, fight together for glory, for greatness. United we will stand strong, all the Aztecs.

The words he speaks come right from his heart. His head fills with thoughts of the world that is being created. The greatness, the glory. The last of his words having spilled from his mouth, he returns from his thoughts and looks at Wandress and Cozamalotl.

May the gods watch over you on your journey and bestow blessings on your mission. It is of great importance to our future, all of our futures.
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Female Number of posts : 28
Age : 37
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Profession: Weaver
Level: 3 - Army way

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptySun 5 Apr - 0:10

It had been a long, restless night. She tossed and turned on the pile of skins that served as bedding; a thin deerskin blanket twined between her legs and lay across her stomach as she reposed her head on her forearm. She caught short bits of sleep; dreamless, thankfully. Wandress didn't want to imagine what dreams the gods might bestow upon her after all she had seen. Dawn brewed outside, and a stray cock chimed in its own warning. She rose slowly and donned light travel clothing, slipping the belt and scabbard around her waist so her black sword was close at hand. Balancing it with another heavy obsidian beltknife at her hip, she carefully strapped a small dagger to her thigh, concealed beneath her clothing. She lifted her white jaguar skin from it's peg in the wall, careully draping the front paws over her shoulders so the black claws rested over her chest.

A young slave held a quiver of arrows and a yew bow; two colors of feathers fletched the shafts, red for the poison on the tips, green for plain arrows. Another held a bowl of cut fruit and a few tortillas and a skin of water for her breakfast. They scurried after her with their armloads as she swept from her hut, taking long strides toward the temple. She plaited her hair in a long braid down her back as she walked, tying it with a strip of leather. Juggling the bow and a tortilla, she slung the bow over her shoulder as she stuffed the food in her mouth. She was already much later than she should have been.

Her face was smooth as she slammed open the doors to the Hall, her discomfort in leaving her King and the disbelief at miraculous return buried deep within her. She bowed her head as she neared, tying the quiver to her hip near her beltknife. "I am ready, Xuchi...my King." The barest glance recognized the entrance of the witch into the hall, and she was sure to smooth her pursed lips as Cozamalotl neared. Of all the messengers Xuchi could have chosen, he chose the one who talks to frogs? They would be laughed out of Chalco. She bowed her head again as her king gave them his blessing, to which she replied quietly, "May the gods see fit to return us to you in triumph and glory with our allies, and rainplague and death upon our enemies and usurpers. Glory to the Ihittaqueh, eternity to the Huey Tlahtoani."

She raised an eyebrow at the six assembled slaves, and gave the barest nod. Dutifully, they gathered the supplies she had ordered brought; skins of water, dried meats, sacks of dried beans and maize, an oiled skin as a cover if it rained, and the gifts the king had bestowed upon Chalco. Without waiting for the slaves, or the witch, she gave a respectful nod to the assembled Ihittaqueh warriors, and strode from the room.
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Female Number of posts : 16
Location : Kansas
Registration date : 2009-02-02

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Apr - 16:35

Coza watched as Wandress strode out of the Hall. As the last slave followed out the door, Coza grinned and waved. I'll be right there! she said, knowing full well that Wandress was well out of earshot already. Don't wait for me! I can catch up!

Still smiling, she turned and approached the King. Don't look so worried, she said giving him a hug. I promise to take good care of Wandress. I won't let anything hurt her.

Her face sobered and she opened one of the many pouches dangling from her waist. She dug around for a moment, then pulled out a small, angry looking salamander.

I brought you something, she said, placing it wetly in the palm of Xuchi's hand. He said he belongs to you.

Turning on her heel, she marched out of the Hall without another word.
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Male Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2009-01-16

Character information
Profession: Stonemason
Level: 3 - Army way

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Apr - 16:44

Xuchimatzatzin looks somewhat baffled at the salamander in his hand, turning his head up to ask Cozamalotl what to do with it, he notices she has already left, marching out after Wandress. He gazes in the direction where they left for some time but then returns to his work, plenty of pressing issues to attend. But first, what to do with this salamander.
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-04-13

[RP] The King - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP] The King   [RP] The King - Page 2 EmptySun 19 Apr - 23:59

Brownnose247 comes rushing into the room. I have started preparing the defenses so we will not be unprotected from the ememy. From the way I see it there are only 3 entrances in to our province. I am working on getting the defense in line. I there anything else you would like for me to do my King?

I also have a theory about the salamander. The salamander is the symbol of fire. I believe it is here to show the beggining of a coming war with death and fire. You don't need to face your fears, Burn them.

I stand waiting at attention to see if anything else is needed.
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